"A charcuterie plate is one of the easiest ways to satisfy even the most hedonistic and greedy palate: you go from fatty, rich pâté to nutty, spicy cured meats back to cheeses, pass out briefly, and resurface to eat straight up fat. It’s also the wine drinker’s best friend." - Vinepair
Charcuterie (/ʃɑːrˌkuːtəˈriː/ or /ʃɑːrˈkuːtəri/; northern French: [ʃaʁkytˈʁi] or southern French: [ʃaʁkytəˈʁi], from chair "meat" and cuit "cooked") is the branch of cooking devoted to prepared meat products, such as bacon, ham, sausage, terrines, galantines, ballotines, pâtés, and confit, primarily from pork
Fumoir [fymwa:ʀ] means smoking room (n.), smoke house (n.).
Outstanding quality charcuterie needs time and care to produce. With our offering of high-quality artisan charcuterie, we want to introduce to the locals the art of slow foods, and the unique characteristics of every product we made in this generation of fast food. Our products are made in small batches and take as long as they take until they reach their perfection. With every bite, we bring to you a tribute to the history, culture, and technique that took thousands of years in the making. フュモワールの燻製は、熟練の職人が厳選された国内外の高品質な材料を使い、最高のものをお届けできるよう少量ずつ時間をかけて丁寧に作っています。 ファーストフードがあふれる世の中で、ゆっくりと時間をかけて作る、その職人技や伝統の技法がぎゅっとつめこまれた私たちのこだわりの製品をぜひご堪能ください。 Bon Appetit! |
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